Sunday, December 13, 2009

Role Playing game Men's twilight

The red black teacher is in his bedroom in a building aside from the monastery, it's almost midnight when she hears a big noise outside and see some bright lights passing through the curtains from the window.

She takes a look by the window and see an helicopter is landing inside the monastery at the other side of the road.

She decides to take her crossbow she had been given by a kind lady who came to visit the place on last summer, just in case of danger and goes to the main gate.

As usual there is a truck with some 3 cops inside in front of the entrance but they don't seem to notice everything as they are very much busy watching a movie on their laptops.

Suddenly, the gate is opening and the red and black teacher see a young lady wearing a long dark blue coat speacking to her.

"Centinna, please come to me we have important things to speack about !"

She immediatly recognise "Jeanne" this kind lady who gave her the crossbow.

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